LCP Test: Check your Largest Contentful Paint

What is LCP?

LCP (Largest Contentful Paint) LCP measures the time it takes for the largest image, text block, or video within the viewport to load and render, starting from when the user initially navigates to the page.

What is a good LCP?

Good value for LCP is under 2.5s and a poor time is over 4s:

How to reduce LCP?

Here are some key tips to assist you.

1. Implement Caching Strategies

2. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

3. Optimize Server Response Times and TTFB

4. Reduce Initial Document Size

5. Optimize SSL/TLS Handshake

6. Adjust your LCP element loading priority

7. Don’t lazy load your LCP element

8. Remove any render blocking delays

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