INP Test: Check your Interaction To Next Paint

What is INP?

INP (Interaction to Next Paint) is part of Core Web Vitals Metrics and measures a page’s overall responsiveness by tracking the latency of all clicks, taps, and keyboard interactions during a user’s entire visit. The final INP score reflects the longest interaction delay, excluding outliers.

What is a good INP?

Good value for INP is under 200ms and a poor INP is over 500ms:

Interaction to next paint Web Vitals

How to reduce INP?

Here are some key tips to assist you.

1. Optimize JavaScript execution

2. Prioritize critical tasks

3. Avoid code bloat

4. Optimize page rendering

5. Watch and monitor CLS with RUM tool

Measure other Web Vitals metrics

Links to help you explore furthers

INP (Interaction to Next Paint)

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