What is CLS?
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is part of Core Web Vitals Metrics and measures the group of layout shift events that happen unexpectedly during a page’s entire lifecycle. It captures the overall impact of these shifts on the user experience.
What is a good CLS?
Good value for CLS is under 0.1 and a poor CLS is over 0.25:
How to reduce CLS?
Here are some key tips to assist you.
1.Reserve Space for Images, Ads, and elements on the page
2. Preload fonts to speed up their display
3. Minimize Animations That Trigger Layout Shifts
4. Use a Font Loading Strategy
5. Watch and monitor CLS with RUM tool
Measure other Web Vitals metrics
Links to help you explore furthers
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) on Web.dev
How to validate site speed optimization efforts – Speetals